Boyfriend won’t talk to me :(

So I’ve been dating this boy for almost 3 months now, and during the last 2 weeks he’s been, how do I say this, not communicating much with me.

My mum always said that men are like cats, let them come to you or else they could lash out (metaphorically of course). So this also means, let a guy text you first, or you could seem annoying. Let me say, I follow this rule, but he never ever texts me first to have an actual conversation. The only time he’ll text me is for things like homework.

We’re only 14, and I understand if he’s busy, but it makes me think that he doesn’t care anymore. When we started dating, he always texted me first, saying things like ‘I love you’ or ‘you’re beautiful’, but now I feel like the passion is gone all of a sudden.

The point is, how exactly should I resolve this without seeming pushy or demanding? I still care about him very much and don’t want him getting hurt.

Please help, and try to be positive :)