Bf has a stepson that i don't agree with how he raises him, sometimes. Bf doesn't listen to me and his actions say he doesn't want me to be his sons mom. Even though his son calls me mom. Should i just keep my mouth shut?


The son has problems and I believe he should talk to someone. The sons mother died and he has anger problems. The son has very little respect especially for girls, and to much freedom. His father is respectful of girls, so that cant be why. His father trusts him to much. The son is eleven and I believe he wants to have sex. I wouldn't trust him with girls or the Internet. The son has a friend who is a girl and he treats her badly sometimes physically and emotionaly. We have to tell him to say sorry. My bf thinks I'm over reacting. I'm sure the son will grow up fine but... I'm mad my bf doesn't listen to me. And he says that I think only negatively.. and when I say he isn't letting me be a mom to his son, he says that I have given up on the boy.. I'm going into the military so should I just ignore what I feel.

It is so hard to be apart of a kids life and have no say. And to be called mom when you want to be, but you can't. Me and my bf can't even talk about the son in a positive way. He will say something mean like "see he does do nice things" like I don't know that.. and yes I have tried to mainly say positive things.. help

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