

Ok so I’m a FTM and my baby is 3wks 2days old. All the way up till a couple of days ago, we haven’t had any problems. I would change his diaper, feed him until he fell asleep and put him in his bassinet and he would sleep 2-3 sometimes 4 hrs. Now he will nurse until he falls asleep but as soon as I go to set him down, he wakes up screaming bloody murder and will not calm down until I nurse him again. And then it is just a never ending cycle. Everybody keeps telling me I have spoiled him to where he wants to be held all the time, but I don’t see how because he is still so young and I didn’t really hold him ALL the time to begin with. I know he just wants me for comfort but DANG, I can’t hold him all the time. Did anyone else have this issue? Is there anything i can do to where he can be put down and not cry for at least a little bit? Help please!