Friends with his ex


Over the past few weeks after talking to him about how uncomfortable it made me he decided to block her on all social media and his phone. He hasn’t spoken a word about her sense but because of how quick he was to ditch me before he is in my mind kind of on probation I will keep a close eye on how he treats me and how he acts regarding subjects like his ex thank you so much to anyone who offered their advice I took it into account and still think about what y’all have said

So my boyfriend and I have been together for a little over 4 months now and so far everything has been pretty great we’ve never really fought over anything so like still in the honeymoon phase I guess. Before we were together he dated a girl where he fell hard for her but she didn’t really give a fuck about him unless it was beneficial to her so basically their whole relationship fucked him up emotionally. And before I dated him I dated this guy who was emotionally abusive and well overall a complete dick and I still have nightmares about him. Anyway flash forward to last week I picked up his phone to call mine because I had left it somewhere and I saw that he had a Snapchat from his ex and he quickly took his phone back I asked him about it and he ended up telling me that he has been reconnecting with her because “he’s curious about how her life’s been going because they had a history” and that kinda really bugged me a week later we went out for some food and as soon as we got our food and we’re about to go hang out at his house he dropped me off at my car and told me he was going to go hang out with her instead... I was pissed and I talked to him about it and told him it made me uncomfortable he told me he would try to limit his conversations with her because he would never want to do something that would make me feel uncomfortable flash forward to yesterday I had an anxiety attack and went over to his place because usually he’s really good at helping me calm down and shit and after I calmed down quite a bit we went to a quite Mexican place for food where he again told me he was going to go catch up with his ex and wanted me to drop him off there I told him I wouldn’t and was about to have another anxiety attack because this shit stressed me out so much and when we got in the car he looked at me and said “why am I going to go talk to her again?” And I told him I have no fuckin. Clue why he would subject himself to a situation where Even in a friendship he would be used by her so both times he was going to hang with her and ditch me he ended up cancelling but like it still feels shifty to have him treat me like sloppy seconds like I know he still gets terrified to upset her because of their relationship and he said he wants to “feel like he has some power over how shitty she makes him feel” but I’m pretty sure hanging out with her isn’t going to do that anyway after talking it out he said he’s going to hang out with her once because he promised and he at least owes her that but after that he’s going to cut her out what should I do if anything?