So on Saturday night around 11 I went to the hospital because i was having so much fluid coming down

So on Saturday night around 11 I went to the hospital because i was having so much fluid coming down. The doctors said that since my contractions are strong and that it was my due date that my doctor wanted me to gdt induce so they started the process. I got the epidural on sunday around 8 in the morning my husband kept by my side with alot of support. So all day they were waiting on my dilation around 11 i was fully dilated. So i started with an exercise push. Sadly my epidural faded away and i was feeling every pain possible so it hurt so much. At 11:30 my daughter was born she was sent to the nursery becaise she was having trouble breathing. At this point my heart was racing scare that she was gone and i wasnt gonna get her back for 2 hrs but luckily she was okay and was brought back in 45 min later. Then i started having problems i didnt rip in my vaginal birth but for some how i was bleeding and bleeding they wieght my blood up to 800 oz and so nurses rush in and connect more needles to be able to transfer blood and had a oxygen in my mouth to help me breathe and i was so scare for me and for for her. As soon as my daughter was put on my chest and she started breast feeding my bleeding was slowing down cause the medication wasnt working on me now were both safe and both healthy went through so much but in the end i got my lil girl