My labor story


So Saturday night 11/18 I️ thought I️ was going into labor but it subsided. I️ just had contractions every 6 mins for four hours

On Sunday morning I️ decided to get up go get some coffee and go shopping for Christmas. Nothing was happening what so ever.

So I️ cleaned the house, bounced on my ball, did nipple stimulation and took a bath.

By 2pm, I️ decided to take a nap and relax. Thinking hey I’m not going into labor..

Literally 15 mins later, I️ heard this loud pop. I️ thought my water broke but nothing. I️ got up and sat on the toilet and starting cramping so freaking bad. I️ thought I️ had to use the restroom. I️ went poop but it still was so consistent. I️ wasn’t having contractions, but every three mins on the dot I️ would get back cramps, pain in my rectum, and period cramps.

By 3pm I️ knew it was time to go to the hospital since I️ couldn’t bare the pain anymore. I️ couldn’t get myself off the toilet since I️ just kept having warm urine come out.

Sure enough, it was my water that broke and gushed out when I️ got to the hospital. I️ immediately got admitted, got my antibiotics for GSB, and I️ was only dilated at 2.5 cm. I️ got my epidural by 6pm. The pain was so unbearable in my back I️ couldn’t take it anymore.

By 11pm, I️ was dilated to a 9 without any help.

They put me on pitocin for literally 1 min and the babies heart rate dropped, my heart rate sky rocketed, and I️ passed out. So immediately stopped.

I️ had baby girl by 2:21am. I️ only pushed for 40 mins and had minimal tearing.

She weighs 8lbs 1 ounces, 21 inches long.

The sad story is, both baby girl and I️ have an infection and have fevers. She tested positive for COOMBS and jaundice. So she’s in the nursery for the next 24 hours or more to be closely monitored.

Hopefully we can be home by Wednesday.

Doctor didn’t think I️ would go into this week but I️ proved him wrong. So don’t give up ladies!! Anything can happen when you least expect it!!

Miss Adeline Catherine Nevarez.