super stressed confession

So i apparently stressing my hubby out about us not getting pregnant after 2years of trying. Its not intentional..... I won a free fertility package the beginning of this year they counted my eggs. I'm running out. By the time I turn 30 I will be out of my eggs.... that a few years away. I have noticed that I don't get peak ovulation. I'm not sure if it's hem or me. I feel bad about my weight as well and I tell hem and he gets so upset that I feel bad about myself. I also blame myself for our miscarriage........ I look for ways to boost fertility naturally and sometimes find things that makes me feel worse. Why do I feel so bad? I blame hem for my miscarriage to an extent. Then my doctor sure haven't made me feel better telling me to lose 50 pounds I'm really not that big.but a

ughh my confession