I️ went to Philips to get cartridges for my vuse and I’m only 17 so they ID, but if you hit it at the right time they will sell to you if you know someone else that works there. So I️ go in and I️ asked for cartridges and he asks me which kind and I️ said nectar. He grabs the nectar and goes to ring me up and he asks for my ID, but I️ told him I️ didn’t have it. I️ thought I️ would be fine because he had sold to me before so I️ waited and he continues to say “what is my benefit of selling these to you” and I️ was confused what he meant so I️ was like idk and he was like hmmmmmm, looks me up and down, and finally says “would you be down to give head?” And I️ was like what...? And I️ was so shocked and I️ was speechless and he says “well if you do, I’ll sell to you every time” and I️ was like “no absolutely not” and he’s like “I️ guess I️ can’t sell to you then” and I️ was like k and walked out and I️ cried the whole ride home because I️ just felt so disgusting. I️t could’ve been worse, but I️ just felt so unsafe and lonely.