What would you do? Child hurt at daycare.


Today upon picking my 3 year old up from daycare she was crying uncontrollably and I was informed that she told them that she fell off the playground slide and bumped her head but Not one teacher saw what happened really. They knew she fell because the kids were climbing on the slide the wrong way but not what she hurt. After bringing her inside I noticed that she wasn't moving her right arm and screamed when trying to take her arm out of her coat and when I tried to pick her up she screamed even harder in pain. I immediately knew she broke her collarbone. Took her to the doctor and sure enough it is cracked in half.

I absolutely love the owner/director and most of the staff. Within the last month there has been a shift in staff in my daughters room and I am not a fan of the staff. I have had many issues with them but have been addressed by the owner.

My question is would you report this incident? I understand that accidents happen and they can not supervise all the kids 100% of the time but I feel like this could have been prevented if they had been paying more attention to the children. I also am upset that they let her cry in pain for over a hour when they suspected a head injury even though it was her collarbone l. Feel like I would be a little more concerned about a child who fell and potentially it their head and at least called the parent? Am I over reacting?