My Unplanned Twin Birth Story.
My unfortunate twin birth story.
I went in at 7PM Thursday, Nov. 16th to get induced at 38 + 1. I got checked in and the vaginal suppository was placed. The plan was to soften my cervix and start pitocin in the morning. I was 1 cm and 50% effaced to start. Contractions started almost right away. They weren't bad. 4 hours later a second dose was placed. I only progressed to 1.5 cm. Almost immediately the contractions got worse. They were on top of each other and very painful. After another 4 hours, no progress. They decided not to give me another dose.
I kept contracting on my own until pitocin was started at 9AM the next morning. We started low on the pitocin and kept going until I was on the max dose. I was checked at 6PM and had only progressed to 3.5 cm and 70% effaced. The doctor decided I needed a break so we stopped the pitocin so I could jump in the tub and relax though the contractions continued to be very strong on their own.
After an hour in the tub I had a heart to heart with my doula. I was exhausted and hadn't had any sleep. I decided I needed the epidural to continue. I got the epidural and slept for the next 6 hours while they maxed out the pitocin again. They did another check and I was still at 3.5 cm. I just cried.
The doctor did an ultrasound and both babies were stuck and neither of them were descending. The only option left... c section. I felt defeated. We prepped for surgery and headed off to the operating room.
The doctor cut into me and we hear the first screams of life out of Baby A. Two minutes later we hear Baby B. The doctor said I was losing a lot of blood so we couldn't do delayed cord clamping or the golden hour of skin to skin. I lost so much blood that I needed a blood transfusion the next day. I swelled up over my entire body with IV fluid so bad that I couldn't walk or bend my knees.
Nothing happened according to my plans but the outcome was just the same. I have two happy healthy babies. I was 38 + 3 by the time they were born.
On Saturday, November 18, 2017, Charlotte Sue came first at 9:22AM weighing 7lbs 3 oz and 20 inches. Parker Stephen came at 9:24AM weighing 6lbs 15oz and 19.5 inches.


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