A year on and 3 month !.


So is been a year and two month that I have been trying to get pregnant again.

Well nothing happen no even a miscarriage damn is been painful, each time holding to the end of the month or to counting days, I have seen different doctors, talk to people whom was where I am still at.

I try all I could, reading, taking all the pills that I thought could work but still nothing but one thing is all the doctor 👩🏽‍⚕️ 👨‍⚕️ did say the same thing. Which is going to happen just give it time and let it be and enjoy life.

So what I decide to do is let it be and let it happen.

And go on holiday in RSA me and hubby could refresh our mind and start fresh next year à way to realise our hanger, frustration.

May God be us as humans can’t make it happen but only him when he decide to so. I hope it won’t take longer next year

PS MERRY CHRISTMAS 2017 and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 in advance 🤗