Venting on pumping..


Okay so I literally just need to vent.

I’ve had to supplement with formula since day two of my daughters life. (Almost 7 weeks now) my supply plummeted pretty early on and I’ve been working ever since to get it back up. I pump around the clock as well as try and get her to eat as much off me as possible, but she’s just a lazy eater and stops before she’s full. I’ve been working my BUTT OFF to get my supply up. I’m finally up to 2 oz combined every two hours, sometimes more. My husband is 50/50 supportive. He wants me to breastfeed until she’s two, so he’s encouraging about it. But when I ask for help to feed or clean bottles/pump stuff he gives me crap or just ignores me. So I end up doing it all myself anyway, so it’s super frustrating and discouraging. But that’s another story.

Today, I’m just EXHAUSTED. My baby girl wouldn’t sleep AT ALL last night unless she was on my chest (don’t judge), pretty sure she wasn’t feeling herself. Finally at 12:30 I just said enough we’re going to bed. She slept restlessly which made me restless until 4:30 when she woke up screaming and she was awake until 6:30. But again only if she was on me. My girl is usually an all night sleeper. I put her down somewhere between 11-12 and she sleeps until 7. So last night was awful. Idk how people with babies up all night do it. At most she sometimes wakes up once to be changed and fed and right back to sleep in her bassinet. On top of it all I have a migraine, a living room full of clean laundry to be folded and a kitchen full of dishes to be washed. And two boobs that need pumped right now. But I’m just tired. 😭😭😭😭