Heartbeat at 6w2d!


Hi everyone!

I’m celebrating today, as we finally saw a heartbeat after two miscarriages and a scare this weekend. I had a little spotting and some cramping that felt terrifyingly similar to my miscarriages (one at 6w2d, one at 5w5d; we never saw a heartbeat with either). They got us in for an early ultrasound this morning with me expecting the worst.

Our Rainbow Baby has a heart rate of 132 bpm at 6w2d! I could see it flickering before the tech even told me that I was looking at the heartbeat. As soon as she moved to the baby, it was obvious! My hcg levels have been more than doubling, so I feared a molar pregnancy (and tried to think positively by thinking it could be twins). For those wondering about my levels, I attached them.

The hospital didn’t give us any photos of our little one, but I’m anxiously looking forward to the 12th of December when we’ll see my OB for the next ultrasound!

Baby dust and love to everyone! :)