too funny after the fact not to share...


Today I am thankful for the FedEx rep on the phone that I called in a panic and crying too... I get home from my meeting (2pm) and my donation was supposed to have arrived by 11am. I log onto FedEx to track my shipment and they said it was held up in customs and did not make the truck on time and would be delivered tomorrow.

I call FedEx, and mind you it's nearly impossible to talk to a real person, I finally get thru to a lovely Lady named Rosa, who if we are successful this month I owe it to her ;) After telling her I needed my package tonight and explaining why it was so important (In retrospect it was probably TMI) she pulled some strings and got it on a truck to be delivered tonight ( i also said i would drive to the location and pick it up) we will get to try again... Fast Foward to 6:36pm, I get email notifications that I was not home and they will attempt delivery again tomorrow. . on the phone again... this time LIVID, as I have a pack of dogs who wouldn't let me miss the FedEx man... I'm told sorry nothing they can do.. I speak to a Package Advocate, and am in tears with my wife now yelling in the back ground. .. they said he couldn't deliver because the Rd was closed, which is Bs... I don't like getting upset with people who didn't have anything to do with my missed package, but this is nuts. it's now after 7pm and the location is now closed. .. .I'm in tears and yelling that I now I have to wait another month to make my family. . I finally got them to get ahold of someone at the Location and they tell me if I drive there and knock on the window they will get me my package.. we drive there in hopes this is true, we knocked once and a lovely woman apologized perfusely and handed me our package, 40 minute drive home...

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and Baby Dust to all <3 <3