She is here! L&D story:)

On May 4th at 5 am I was started on piton to jumpstart my labor. ( I had just reached 40+5 weeks) By 9 am I was dilated to a 4 and she then broke my water. I went through horrible back labor for 9 hrs before I gave in to an epidural.Best choice I made since I was experiencing contractions that the monitor couldn't even keep track of how strong they were. It was horrible and so tough for a FTM to enjoy much of anything. My pitocin was still in full swing but dilation was so slow. Finally after about 17 hrs of labor I reached a 9 1/2 cm and my OB had noticed a flap of cervix that just wouldn't thin out, she gave it 2 more hrs then attempted to push. After 19 hrs of labor, I pushed hard for 3 hrs! I. Was. Exhausted. The baby was stuck behind my pelvis and pushing would do nothing except distress her even more so I had an emergency c section. I have never had surgery before and I was NERVOUS! All nerves aside, it went absolutely beautiful. She was born not breathing but after 5 mins let out a huge scream and was super healthy! Avery Lynn was born on May 5th at 3:20am, 8lbs5oz and 21.5 inches. She is the most amazing angel and so blessed she is finally here!