I am annoyed!

Am I overreacting? In order to take my daughter home from the nicu today I have to take her to get bloodwork tomorrow and see the pediatrician. I can't drive she's only 3 days old. My bf called out of work all weekend so I don't want him to call out tomorrow. I asked my sister who has an 18 month old to take us to get blood done at 8am. She said they will not be up, dressed and fed by then. My thing is why can't she just get up earlier? She said she could take us around 930-10 for the blood but she's not sure about the dr because she has work later which I understand. I don't understand why she can't get up earlier and get my niece up earlier to be able to take us. The hospital wants her bloodwork done early. Am I overreacting? I might just have to tell my bf to call out but I really don't want to.