4 weeks + 4 days. Odd cramping, no bleeding


Hi everyone! So I found out around the 3 1/2 week mark that I was pregnant at the doctors due to a uti. Im now 4 weeks and 4 days and for about the past 4 days every night when I'm laying down or just relaxing at home, I get these somewhat painful cramps right where I'm guessing my uterus is. They last from 5-10 minutes. Only one time but every single night though. It doesn't feel like ovary pain or spread anywhere it's just right where my pelvis/uterus is. I've always had light period cramps so this was different for me. It was like an intense cramp that subsides after 5-10 minutes that makes me not want to move and even standing in the shower with warm water didn't help. After it goes away I'm completely fine like it didn't even happen. And like I said no bleeding, spotting, nothing whatsoever. It only happens once a day but I'm not going to lie, it's not a mild cramp. It makes me moan sometimes and it's hard to focus on anything when it's happening. It's not a stabbing or shooting pain it's more like my uterus is having a long consistent cramp that is squeezing inside of me for that amount of time. I went to the doctor because of it and she didn't seem worried about it at all. She did the HCG beta blood test and had me come back two days later to make sure my levels were rising.

My levels at 4 weeks exactly were 1171

My levels at 4 weeks + 2 days were 3340

So far everything is rising as it should and other than that I feel fine. Should I be worried? I'm hoping this is just my uterus adjusting to my first pregnancy and that the intense cramps will subside in time. I've been told it could be gas or constipation but Ive always been a little irregular with pooping schedule and never experienced this before so it's hard to believe it's that. Any advice or experience is greatly appreciated! Thanks