I'm growing a human!


I am over the moon excited! We've been through so much in the past year with 2 failed <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> transfers, hundreds of hormone shots, 2 hysteroscopys, 1 D&C; from miscarriage, and 1 chemical. This pregnancy was conceived naturally and I can't believe the miracle I've been blessed with. We've had a couple of scares this past week with some bleeding and spotting, but today I am beyond grateful for the little person that is growing inside me. I'm 6w3d today and ultrasound revealed our beautiful miracle growing right on track at 6w4d with a strong heartbeat of 129 beats/min. Going into the Thanksgiving holiday, I am definitely thankful for being able to carry this miracle. There's still a long road ahead, and I know many things can still happen, but for today, my heart is full of joy!