Some things I wrote while doubting my partners love for me

I know you are going to hurt me but I don’t care I am going to love you even if you do. The sad part is no matter how much pain I go through I am still going to be right by your side in case you need me anytime anywhere I will be here. I hope you find someone who is enough for you and can make you feel the way you make me feel. I am sorry I can’t do that.

You say you want me to stay but all you do is make me want to leave

The way you look at girls the way you talk to them the way you talk about them I hear it I see it I feel it I am not special I am just a temporary thing until you find someone better but that’s okay I still love you

I let you talk how you wanna talk and do what you want to do sometimes you even say things that make me feel like shit but I don’t say anything because I am so afraid to lose you but you have no idea what you put me through I thought things would be different when we stared dating but nope you still make me feel worth less and for some reason I don’t care I just let it happen I wish I had gotten mad some of those times but I want you to realize in your own how much it hurts me I don’t want to have to tell you especially when you are the cause of my sadness but even when I tell you I feel bad after being you make a bigger deal than I did saying sorry and how you feel like shit sometimes I think it’s all for show

All these thoughts make me sick emotionally and physically I can feel it all through my body my chest aches my stomach burns and turns my throat feels like is swelling my bones trembling there is nothing I can do I love you and it’s tearing me down every day more and more.

Suffering quietly but ever so violently