Dear Ex that turned out to be a Pedophile

Dear ex boyfriend,

When I first heard you had been caught in a police sting operation to catch pedophiles I genuinely thought there was some kind of mistake.

At first I stuck up for you, even though you treated me badly in the end and cheated on me.

But then I read the actual charges on the county public index. Attempted sexual conduct with a minor between the ages of 11-14 and sexual solicitation of a minor between the ages of 11-14.

I felt sick and disgusted... Then suddenly everything made sense.

How you freaked out when I gained weight and started developing curves at 18. That time you took naked pictures of me without my permission then showed them to your friends and told me I was ridiculous when I cried over it. Your porn addiction. Your obsession with me looking young...

I’m disgusted that it’s been 3 years and your court date still hasn’t been set, that you still attend your daughter’s school functions because you won’t be on the sex offender’s list until after your day in court. That you invite other people’s daughter’s to your house for sleepovers when the parent’s have no idea about what you tried to do and probably got away with actually doing before.

But most of all, it terrifies me to think of how many more like you are out there. Pedophiles just living free while they wait for years for a court date. It terrifies me that people turn a blind eye to it and believe your story that “she lied and said she was 18” even though the official charges clearly state 11-14 as the age. And even if she was 17 claiming to be 18. You are 30 years old with a 6 year old daughter and a wife who love you more than you deserve. Why your wife didn’t leave you and run with her baby I will never understand...

I hope that when your court date comes, you get the full 30 year sentence so you never have the chance to hurt your daughter.