Kaidynce โ€ข Hi, my Husband and I are believing God to be Blessed with our "Rainbow Baby/Babies".

Hi Ladies!! Today I had a doctors appointment. My cycle is now 5 days late. All of my 'home pregnancy test' read + (positive). At the doctors office today, theirs was - (negative).?? Has this happened to anyone else? We are hoping this is our "Rainbow Baby" after having an ectopic, followed by a stillbirth within the last year. With our daughter my + was about 7 days after my cycle was due and steadily got darker. With this pregnancy, it seems to get darker every 2-3 (more so 3) days. Has anyone had a slow rising pregnancy and went on to have a healthy baby/babies??

P.s.- I get my blood work back on Monday. #HappyEarlyThanksgiving!

*UPDATE*- Hi Ladies!!! I just left the doctor's office today. My hcg was 134 on Wednesday and today was 569! I wanted you ladies to know that although I am bleeding, period like, no clots or tissue (since Thursday night & I thought "Chemical") the ultrasound revealed the baby is projected to be in my uterus and by my levels doubling, I am fine. The bleeding is unexplained, they think its due to the severe Uti I had and slight yeast infection. Thank you ladies so much for responding and positive comments! I will do another update @ my 6 week appt. I go back Monday to get my levels checked again to make sure they are doubling since I am bleeding.

๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† Definitely Darker! God works in mysterious ways!!