5 BFP and negative pregnancy test at the drs?!?


A little brief history first:

I have one child who is 6 years old 💙

I had the paragard IUD inserted shortly after.

I removed the IUD in July of 2017.

We’ve been TTC since then.

So yesterday I had a random urge or feeling or whatever you want to call it to take a pregnancy test, mind you this was around 3pm after I’ve been drinking plenty of fluids. Anyways I take the test (clear blue digital) and boom! A BFP!!! What??! I was so shocked and surprised and started crying. I waited a few more hours and bought a first response pink dye and again two BFPs!! (At this point my urine has definitely have to be diluted) I called my dr to get tested there. They set me up for 11am today. First thing when I woke today I took another clear blue digital test just to be sure. And again BFP! I go to my doctor and ouch! The urine test came back negative. I asked for a blood test and now I’m just waiting for the results 😩😩

*the last test I took 30 minutes ago. I took it apart to see how dark the lines were.

Although I definitely think I’m pregnant I still feel worried maybe I might not be.

Gahh! Just wanted to share to see if anyone else has gone through this?