First period story


I have zero idea if there is a category for this but I find my first period super funny so here we go.

I was about 8 and it was right when I first started growing pubes and I was too afraid to talk to my mom about it, I was sitting in the bath tub and was trying to shave and I guess nicked myself, I wiped and a tiny (like seriously tinier than a pinch..) of pink was on the toilet paper. I freaked out got into a towel and ran upstairs crying to my mom pretty much knowing I cut myself I ran into her room and “I got out of the bathtub and there was blood” and she quickly ran to Walmart on the phone with my older sister and even brought back a dove chocolate bar she picked up teenage sized pads and walked me through it all. Funny thing is, I didn’t start it.

Many years later when I was a couple months into being 13 I was wearing swim trunks as underwear since I was too lazy to do laundry. (Of course I had pants on too) and was sitting down playing dungeons and dragons with my dad and brother. I went to the bathroom and noticed brown in my swim trunks I actually thought I had forgotten to wipe my ass! It was a little bit at first then it had kept going up through the day and kind of lined my NEW pair of swim trunks I began stressing and thought of telling my mom but I googled it and it all said I was pregnant and was having a miscarriage but I was a virgin! I came across one article that said I may have started my period. It was like 12 am and I was super tired so I went to bed and told myself if there was blood I would have finally gotten my period (I was kind of excited but scared as shit) I woke up and used the bathroom and when I wiped the toilet paper was drenched in blood, I was like “oh shit lol” so instead of like telling my mom and making it special I texted her! TEXTED. I wish I told her in person and made it special but y’know too lazy and spooked. So my mom brought me home pads and wipes and told me to shower everyday or I would get an infection, then left for Vegas! 😤

She had been planning the trip and I had my grandma but she lived like 10 minutes away and I was left with my dad and brother on my first period. SHE DIDNT TREAT ME LIKE I WAS 8 SHE DIDNT BRING CHOCOLATE HOME UGH. She obviously cared and talked to me a bit about it afterward and my dad did known and he didn’t say anything he was just like “oh she started her cycle?” And continued to play video games and wait for me to get back to play too. It was super weird but I highkey have figured out leggings are so comfy on your period like DAMN.

I still find this story hilarious.