So we told my MIL today.....

Okay so today we told my my husband's mom that we're having our first baby, and they were just completely like....not caring. They were just like "oh great job peeing on a stick". Actual quote. Am I wrong to be upset about this? I mean it is seriously one of the rudest things and experience I've had in a little while. I understand that my husband and I come from two completely different backgrounds (we're financially stable, have nice things, everyone has gone to college/ his mother had him while still in high school, lives off of her mother and whatever husband she has at the time), but is it wrong to ask for them for once to just please be decent and nice about something? Sorry this is sort of a huge rant but it was just really upsetting and disappointing. 😡
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Posted at
I understand. My mil talks all the time about how she can't wait for dh's brother to have kids or how my sister in law who has decided not to have kids really needs to have kids. She wants more grand children. The only young ones she has are mine, and the next one she is going get is mine. I'm so scared to tell her. She has frequently mentioned how she doesn't think we should have another baby for xy or z reasons. I know the feeling though. You are happy for this little life (ours was a surprise. But I'm still thrilled) and if you are happy, why can't everyone else be. It is, after all, soon going to be another member of the family.


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What a bitch lol


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Wow that was rude. It seems as though the MIL is not happy about something in the relationship.......


Nelofarr • May 10, 2015
I mean I've always felt like she doesn't like me, his younger brothers and sisters are much younger than him and they always say rude little things every once in a while but I figure it must be because the mom says things. Though I've seriously never given them a reason to dislike me.


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My boyfriends family are happy, however, telling my parents is going to be the real problem, it stresses me out to the point that I don't even want to.


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I have a similar experience when I got the pregnant the first time. My husband come from a family of teen moms and I come from a single mom of two but she had us in her 20s. When we told my in laws I was pregnant, he's 20 and I'm 21 and were been married for a year and a half, his grandma said our lives were over and started crying, his mother said she wasn't babysitting and his 14 year old brother said he hated us and we just ruined our lives.. I had a miscarriage 2 weeks after we told them and they just said it was for the best and I should wait to have kids.. It hurts more because Iv been with my husband so long that I consider them my real family and u don't expect someone that u care about to say stuff like that.. Hopefully your in laws come around for u the further along u get! Good luck!


Rebecca • May 11, 2015
I think I'm currently pregnant :) I just worry how they will react so this time they will be the last to know


Nelofarr • May 11, 2015
I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you do have children when you want though ❤️


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Wow! They seem like miserable people!! If someone reacted tome that   way I wouldn't be seeing them much after that!! 


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When I was pregnant with my first my family reacted horribly. You would've thought I was 16 telling them not 26. They definitely seem to favor my brothers. When my brother and his wife got pregnant they were elated, both times. Their 2nd is due in July. I just found out I'm pregnant with number 2 and I'm terrified to tell them. All I want is for them to be as happy for me as they are for my brother but I know that'll never happen. It hurts. 


Paige • May 14, 2015
sending positive vibes your way! I'm terrified to tell my adoptive parents even though I'm 23, a college grad with multiple degree, and a nurse. :/


Nelofarr • May 13, 2015
Maybe just let them know how you feel. I've had to put my foot down about my husband's mother all the time because she crosses way too many boundaries and she does it on purpose. Maybe if you tell them how you felt the first time they might think differently


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Honestly, if it wasn't my mom who said it I wouldn't give two flips. Lol. 


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I know what you're going through, when we told my husband's grandmother she just stared at her TV, he voiced that he was disappointed with her reaction because she seemed mad but she just said "I'm not not happy ". It wasn't as bad but it's still upsetting when we just wanted to share the news that made us so happy we cried only for her to really seem like she was mad at us.


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My mom is an alcoholic. I am also convinced she hates me. She lives with me cuz she can't support herself. My brother and sister on the other hand she adores but me. Nah I'm the outcast although I'm the ONLY one who is there for her and puts up with her shit. I told her I was pregnant she was like are you really then faked a smile. My dad was murdered 11 years ago and all I have is her and just ONCE I want her to be happy for me but that's too much to ask. My MIL was ecstatic. She treats me better than my real mom. Hopefully she comes around for you!


Ashley • May 13, 2015
My mother is that way. If it ain't benefitting her she is like OUT...If I was 16 I could understand but I'm 25 and been with my husband 3 years. She is partly jealous I think. I hope your mil comes around.


Nelofarr • May 13, 2015


Nelofarr • May 13, 2015
I'm so sorry about that :( I hope you have a happy life with your baby and stuff. Your mom may just need adjustment time idk. Honestly my MIL is seriously psychotic and only out for money, so I didn't expect the greatest reaction from her anyway but they way they acted was just so rude.