
So my partner and i have been together for 5 years, we have 2 beautiful babies.. & tonight he came home & told me he wants to leave me...

Not out of nowhere obviously, we have been struggling to be happy for awhile & he said he has hit the wall with us, so his answer is to leave...

Small back story, we met when I was 18 he was 19, we have been through alot in our years spent together, I fell madly, deeply in love with him & to this very moment I still adore his entire self.. we are both recovered drug addicts who overcame our issues together, we don’t have sex much and our communication lacks in many areas. We are both stubborn & say things to hurt each other... he word vomits so when he gets angry he just says everything and anything to hit where it hurts.

As for me, I am very emotionally vulnerable as I suffer from depression, i am stubborn as hell at times and I always want to sort shit out when and as it happens or I literally cannot sleep at night, he is the opposite of me in many ways.. I’m an extrovert he is an introvert.

POINT: Few things he has said over past week have set off alarm bells so to speak, he told me he wished he didnt love me & that he wished it was easy to leave?

Me feeling the way I do about him, can’t stand to let him go..

I need help on what to do here ladies? 😢 before my family is broken forever...