Felling petty 😒

Lately I've been feeling jealous/petty towards my SIL.

After 10 yrs my husband and I decided to go for baby #2.

We'd only been trying for a couple of months when his sister sent a group text saying she was a couple weeks pregnant, with her 4th. I was immediately jealous and annoyed for several reasons. The most petty being that I was not included in the group text.

The foremost reason was that while we'd only been trying a couple of months, I've secretly wanted this baby since 2012 when I had a miscarriage. No one ever found out about it; only my husband and I knew. Well later that same year she announced she was pregnant with her 3rd. While I was happy for her, it really hurt me at the time. Now after years of us both saying we wouldn't have more children, I'm finally trying again and she's pregnant again. It hurt to find out. I'm happy for her and I wish her a great pregnancy but overall a healthy baby. But I haven't congratulated her or anything. She hasn't made a formal announcement to everyone and since I wasn't included in the group I haven't said anything.

Another petty reason I'm annoyed is that shortly after I announced I was pregnant with our firstborn, she announced her first pregnancy as well. Now a month or 2 after she's told her siblings she's once again pregnant, I found out I'm pregnant too. Once again pregnant at the same time.

We haven't even had our first OB appt so we have not told a soul. We're probably going to announce it at Christmas. Although I think I'd rather wait until after the first trimester.

Well, that's it for my confession/rant/venting. Thanks for listening/reading. Lol.