ER visit


I started bleeding bright red yesterday. It went from just brown to bright red. My hCG levels were 158 which the doctor said was incredibly low to be 5 wks. I was confirmed yesterday morning 5 wks exactly with a due date of July 26th. They tried an ultrasound and vaginal ultrasound. He said my hCG levels needed to be close to 2000 to see anything on a ultrasound. So they weren’t able to see anything on the ultrasound. Since all the doctors are closed today and tomorrow and since I’m out of town visiting my boyfriends family with him, they want me to come back to the ER tomorrow and have my blood drawn again. He said every 48 hours my hCG levels should double. He considered this a threatening miscarriage. When they pulled out the vaginal wand it was COVERED in HEAVY brown (almost looked clotted bc it was so much) blood.

I’m praying my levels haven’t went down and have doubled. I’m trying not to worry bc that will only do harm for me and baby. But it’s so hard not to worry.

Has anyone else had this happen? Or think I’m just a lot earlier in my pregnancy than they thought? I’m so nervous! I have bad anxiety and this has made it 10x worse.