Can’t keep baby awake to nurse!! Update!


I am having trouble nursing my little one! He is only 3 days old but I can’t keep him awake to nurse! Today I started nursing at least once every 1.5 hours to try to see if that would help.

As soon as the nurses at the hospital saw my nipples they insisted I use a shield and now I can’t get my milk to come in!!!

Someone please give me some advice I’m very worried that he is getting dehydrated as he has started to get a slight fever. My mom is a nurse and says he is fine we just need to watch his temp but I need some help getting him to eat more!


UPDATE They clipped his tongue tie at the doctor and he was able to latch on without a problem! His bilirubin levels were good. They told me to feed him every 2-3 hours and give him .5 ounces of formula after until my milk comes in. But they said he is doing great and I can stop supplementing when I’m comfortable and he gains a little weight!!!!

Thank you all!