Baby is born! And birth story


Robin Dean was born on Sunday, November 19th! Weighing 7 pounds and 20 inches long.

My water broke on Saturday the 18th. I didn't think it was because it was just a very slight trickle. It happened several times that day so that evening I decided to go to the hospital to get it checked out. Sure enough, it was my water! They gave me a few hours to start labor on my own or they were going to induce me. Few hours went by and they started the pitocin since I wasn't contracting. It kicked in right away and the contractions were insanely painful. After 3 hours I got the epidural and finally tried to get some sleep. It was 6am by this point. At 6:30am I woke up to a nurse yelling and calling for more nurses. She ran to me and started moving my stomach. My sweet boy had stopped breathing. Immediately nurses were in and fortunately got him breathing right away. The other nurses were focusing on my heart rate and trying to help me get into a normal zone. My chest started to hurt and I went into a panic attack. I didn't know if me or baby was going to be okay and it stressed me out the whole rest of my labor (with the pitocin I labored for just over 20hrs). My vitals the whole time fluctuated and they had to constantly try to stabilize me. Finally it was time to push and I was so relieved. Unfortunately I got unlucky. My doctor wasn't there and I had a doctor who didn't care at all about me or my baby. She told the nurse to practice pushing with me and left the room. During this time, this doctor was only in the room for 10 minutes. She spent the rest of her time having fun conversation outside of the room (family in the waiting room had seen). I was pushing so hard that I was throwing up like crazy and couldn't stop. After pushing hard for 3 hours the doctor switched shifts. My new doctor came in and was very panicked and worried. She privately told my husband to push the epidural button as much as possible and that she would get my baby out. She pushed me to my limit but it was necessary for me and baby. She did everything in her power to help me not tear but it was unfortunately not enough. I got a level 3 tear (the worst being 4 that goes through the muscles). The previous doctor should have given me a c-section after I had pushed for so long but didn't and the last doctor did everything in her power to help me. Finally though my baby boy was born. I couldn't stop crying! Unfortunately, my baby developed breathing problems later that evening. His lung had collapsed due to my hard labor and pushing. He was immediately sent to the NICU. He had two procedures done to try and bring up the lung but nothing helped. They finally decided to do an operation with a tube to help get the air and fluid out from around his chest. Thank goodness that worked. After a few days in the NICU, he finally got to come home and is doing wonderful. I'm so thankful this Thanksgiving.