Babies 12 months apart..halp!


I just had my boy in late July 2017 and it looks like im due again Aug 1 2018. I doubt I will make it to my Aug due date because I recently had a c section. I anticipate my doctor will want to do another c section with this pregnancy sometime around 38 weeks. I was induced at 38 weeks with my son due to preeclampsia and polyhydramnios and ended up with an emergency c section so who knows how early this little bean will come. any other mommies out there with babies so close together in age? I'm excited but very nervous for a lot of reasons. my last pregnancy was really tough all the way thru (hyperemesis, preeclampsia, polyhydramnios etc..) hoping this pregnancy will go smoother. once the new baby is here, I have no idea how to manage a newborn and a 12 month old