How late can you ovulate after Clomid??

Hey! I started Clomid after I went off of birth control pills and never got a period for 6 months. My gyn ordered 1 round of provera and 50 mg Clomid cycle that I started in September. The provera did induce a period and I took the Clomid days 5-9 but never had a positive ovulation test or positive pregnancy test that cycle. After cycle day 35 my gyn told me I can start the Clomid again because my period never came and so I did another round of Clomid on October 25-28th. Just when I was about to call my gyn again---still no periods or positives during the normal timeframes I got positive ovulation test on Tuesday nov 21. I have had positive ovulation tests every day since, so for the past 3 days. I have been taking pregnancy tests which have been negative each day. Has anyone else experienced ovulating 23 days after finishing Clomid? Any thoughts ???