I haven’t seen my dr yet..is it weird?

Koriann • Successfully conceived! EDD 7/24/2018–2-cats, Dog and a lizard. Engaged 💍 02/28/2017 Gabriel waiting in heaven 🌸

I haven’t seen my dr yet for any sort of confirmation, but it’s only because I just moved to California five days ago and so in place of it—I’ve been a maniac on taking HPT’s. Only now they seem to have been getting darker than when I first found out about a week ago! I technically miss my period by calendar calculations the 24 I think.. weird! The start of LMP was my birthday, OcT 24. I enrolled in insurance and hopefully tomorrow I can get into Kaiser to see someone. Am I alone on this? I see a lot of ladies here who have already had scans and blood work!

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