HELP 😭 5 day old

Kailyn • Navy wife + mom of 2

So my son was latching and eating great since he was born. My milk came in and now he seems to be having such a hard time. He won’t latch anymore and he just screams with my nipple in his mouth.

I’m struggling to get at least 15 minutes on one side with him. Between him falling asleep and now losing his mind I feel like he’s not eating.

We just spent an hour trying to get him to eat and he maybe latched and sucked good for 5 minutes. Now he’s passed out so I guess it was enough? I ended up pumping some for the first time to help relieve some of the pain. I’m literally dropping everywhere and soaking through everything. He’s having plenty of wet diapers & poopy ones but this fighting to latch just started this afternoon.

Please help.