A lot can happen in a year...

Jilly • Caeden Isaiah 12/4/16, my angel in heaven👼🏻💙~~Aria Noelle, 12/5/17 my rainbow 🌈💕🌸👶🏻

One year ago as of yesterday, on Thanksgiving, my husband and I were admitted into the hospital with the grave news that we would most likely not be bringing our baby boy into the world.

And 11 days later, on December 4, 2016, Caeden Isaiah was born as our angel after I became gravely ill. I fought for my life for a week in the ICU, and through most of that time I wished my body would just let go and I could be with my little boy. But I recovered.

I never thought I could be happy again, and never thought I could love anything as much as I love my son. I was afraid of feeling anything for anyone...because they can be taken away in an instant, as I’ve learned.



But then, great news came to us in the spring, and instantly I knew that I was indeed capable of loving this little being as much as I love my Caeden.



Fast forward (after a long and very difficult pregnancy) to Thanksgiving 2017, and our little girl is about a week away from arriving into the world. It’s amazing how some things work out...I found out that I have to be induced...and my dr would like it done on December 4. What a special day!

On December 4, 2016 heaven gained an angel—Caeden Isaiah Tucker 👼🏻💙

And on December 4, 2017 heaven sends an angel—Aria Noelle Tucker 👶🏻🌈💕🌸

Who knew last Thanksgiving that in one year, I would be having thanksgiving with my family, not in the hospital, but in my home, with the excitement of bringing a daughter into the world so so soon.



Life is filled with unexpected surprises. Some of them are heartbreaking, but others are so, so beautiful. I refuse to think of Caeden’s birth as a tragedy, because everything about him was perfect, and he will never be associated with sorrow. The only sorrow I have is that I did not get to watch him grow up. The aftermath of losing my child was a pain I would wish upon no one. My son is a wonder, but the pain and sorrow of his loss was a storm. A raging storm. But, there is always a rainbow after the storm. My daughter is the rainbow.



One year of thunder and rain is finally giving way to the rainbow. We look forward to seeing her beauty in all its glory 🌈🌸💕👶🏻 She was handpicked for earth, by her big brother in heaven 👼🏻💙🌤


Aria Noelle, we love you so much and can’t wait to meet you! 💕🌸🌈


Caeden Isaiah, we love you so much, keep on shining over us!

December 4, 2016

“You are my sunshine” ☀️💙