Pets and young kids.

Mama Bear

Before you judge please know I’m simply looking for some advice here and I’m literally stuck and feel overwhelmed.

My husband has had his dog for 9 years and I’ve had my car for about 10 years. We had a baby in 2016 and currently expecting our second one in about four months.

My mornings are always hectic trying to feed, comfort and tend to the two animals and my toddler while pregnant. I’m not sure what it is but some days I feel ok and there are just days I ask myself how I’m going to do it with a second baby.

My animals are unintentionally getting neglected with a lack of attention because of how much my toddler requires. Not to mention I’m super exhausted.

I’m feeling so guilty and cry all the time at the thought of being a bad parent or animal owner. So my husband brought up getting rid of the animals. How can I possibly do this? But is it really fair of me to hold onto them just because I feel like I’ll miss them?? Ugh I’m so torn right now and I can’t seem to really think seriously about this but yesterday my cat scratched my daughter in the head. She had her head held with her claw and I’m not sure which animal it is but they keep peeing on the baby rug in her room.

It’s not a rug that I can easily clean so I’m just so mad at them all the time because of what they keep doing. It’s a cycle I know and it was our decision to have animals and have kids but I had no idea they’d start this kind of behavior especially now.

What do I do? Does anyone have suggestions?