Not sure if it's period coming or pregnancy


So I'm new to this not sure if I'm writing in the right place but.. I've came off the pill Yasmin on the 27/10/2017 and have been trying to conceive, this is my first month off it and I had my withdrawal bleed on roughly 31/10 or 01/11.. it's now the 24/11 and for the Past 2 days I have been getting really bad menstrual related pains down in my uterus and had a dizzy spell while going from sitting to standing, today the pains have eased off and the last week or so I've been really tired and nauseated, on 18/11 I had a lot of watery/creamy discharge, today I also have a slight headache and peeing frequently, could there be a chance that I'm pregnant,?? Just curious :/