Liquid in my uterus!😨


Hi ladies, I’m scheduled for my very anticipated FET on Friday Dec 1st.. I went in for a follow up ultrasound today and there was a little bit of fluid in my uterus,,my doctor recommended that I continue with my meds and return on Nov 30th (1 day before my transfer) for a final ultrasound, they told me that if I still have liquid, that they may cancel my transfer😣😞.. I know I should think positive, but it’s been 2 months of prepping for this transfer that have included early doctor’s appointments, ultrasounds, bloodwork, birth control, pills, shots, patches, etc., I would hate to have done all this and come this far only for them to cancel my transfer and have to start over😰 has anybody ever been through this and had positive results? or if not, any words of encouragement would help, cuz I’m driving me and my husband crazy! Help!😰