Af is late!!!


Af was due the 21st of this month but no show. Took a HPT on the 21st in the morning came back negative. I have been feeling nauseas but barely. Today went out to eat and when we left the building, the wind hit me and i felt like vomiting. I did a little but it was not a lot, now I'm having cramps, light cramps. Which makes me feel like af will come tonight or will be there in the morning when i wake up. Could I still get a BFP or am i out?


Woke up this morning thinking AF was here due to the fact my panties were soaked!!! But turns out it was just a lot of watery CM. I took a test  waited 3 mins before I even looked at it (which was pretty tempting lol) well *sigh* again a negative test not even a vvvvvfl, plain out negative! I am upset maybe AF is just late and Im actually not pregnant you know??? Well is it wine time yet??? Or should i still wait???