Is this anxiety? OCD? Or something else?


Okay so ever since February I’ve been getting deja vu... frequently (I’ve made a post about this before. I’m just looking to see if this has happened to anyone with severe anxiety/OCD)

I get deja vu and I’ll have a feeling about something and that feeling will become reality. Or when I’m talking to someone, sometimes ik what they will say.

I mentioned this to my psychiatrist. He said it’s most likely my anxiety/OCD bc they can cause frequent deja vu.

Last night at thanksgiving I had deja vu and now all I can think is I’m gonna die soon. I have told my mom I have had a feeling I’m gonna die young. Like before I turn 21 n she told me my dad said the same thing. I feel like I’m living a dream. Like I’m out of touch with reality (no I don’t have psychosis, schizo, or bipolar)

When I was at the urologist a couple weeks ago, I had to schedule an appointment for December 28th and when she said that the automatic thought that popped in my head was “ima die before then”

I told this to my therapist and she said it’s all just anxiety. That anxiety really messes with your head. It can even cause psychosis like symptoms.

I’m just curious if anyone who has any type of mental illness has had this feeling before? Along with the deja vu and feeling like your gonna die and predicting when you’ll die.

If it helps my mental illness I have are anxiety, depression, ocd, and hypochondria

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