Empty sac...should I be worried?

UPDATE: I couldn’t wait and wonder, so I went to the ER and had a transvaginal US and blood work. HCG is at 35,000, but no sign of yolk or fetal pole still 💔 measuring at 7w1d and 22mm. Hanging on to the tiniest glimmer of hope until I’m at least 25mm and physically miscarry. Prayers 🙏🏼

Original Post: My husband hurt his arm playing baseball 🙄 so he was out of work for a few days, I figured we could do our first ultrasound while he’s already off. I couldn’t make a next day Dr. appointment so we went to a ultrasound place. Based on my last period, I should be about 8 weeks (Dr. wouldn’t see me until 12 weeks and I was growing impatient and wanted to see my little jelly bean) Ultrasound tech said there’s so way I’m 8 weeks, and seemed concerned that we couldn’t find a yolk, just an empty sac. She said I’m either about 4-5 weeks or it’s a blighted ovum. Ive has ZERO bleeding/cramps. Praying our peanut is just too small to see and we can see a healthy baby with a vaginal ultrasound at the doctor’s in a few weeks. Is this normal? I’m so scared 😭