Well, here he is ladies


Well, here he is ladies!  I was 8 days late. I went in on Thanksgiving night, 9pm, to be induced. After having the Foley catheter used to open my cervix I finally dilated to 3-4. That’s when it stopped. He moved back up after having his head so low for weeks and I just wouldn’t progress with pitocin either. Not to mention my epidural came out without anyone knowing. So I laid in pain all night and all morning Friday morning. The doctor realized how big he was going to be and didn’t think I’d be able to have a vaginal delivery. So, after about 17 hours of labor just in the hospital, our sweet 10lb 5oz, 22” long, perfect baby boy was born at 2:51pm on 11/24/2017! I’m so in love and can’t even explain how amazing it feels to finally be a Mommy after 12 years of trying and wanting him. Good luck to you ladies that are pregnant, trying to conceive, and recently had your sweet babies!