Buyers Remorse

I need advice pls. I am a nurse and i was working a very comfortable unit. I didn’t have much responsibility. Most nights went by fairly smoothly. But i didnt feel challenged. I felt i was a bit too smart for the job honestly. I wanted to use my skills and critically think so I applied for a job in neonatal icu. I have some exposure to this when i was in nursing school as a tech. And i was sure this is what i wanted to do . Well i applied in may got offered immediately and signed a contract to stay here for 2 years after im done with training. The job started in August I found out i was pregnant in September. . Initially I felt good. Wasn’t very symptomatic so I thought i was in the clear. The job isn’t easy it requires a great amount of brain power and im soo exhausted from my pregnancy i have such a hard time enjoying my pregnancy. I am stressed almost all the time and I honestly have been having actual regrets about this job. I was sure this is what I wanted but i cant tell if its the pregnancy clouding my judgement or I really don’t feel good about it. There is also the fact that im with preceptor and everytime i have to excuse myself to go and throw up or something crazy and i do that a lot btw I feel soo inadequate. I just don’t know what to do. I basically commited my whole entire family to this because before I accepted this position we had plans to move back up north and be closer to our family. But now we are here and i feel stuck and helpless. Am i just being a whinny pregnant lady or should i do what will make me comfortable. The contract can be broken i will just have to pay i dont think I would go back to my old job but do something along the lines probably. Im just soo stressed and unhappy and i cant tell if these are legitimate feelings or just my hormones. Most shifts are now a real chore for me to get through and I keep thinking if I was at my old job I would be soo relaxed. Ive tried talking to my husband but he really just brushes it off i guess assuming im just hormonal 🙄. Inerd help cuz I feel like im crawling out of my skin😔