Tired of wondering

Hello everyone I needed to talk to someone who might have lived something similar to me.

First of all I’ll put you in perspective of my situation. In September 2015 my SO and I we were trying for baby #1 and it worked on first try. We were so excited that we announced it to our family at 6weeks during canadien thanksgiving weekend. The next day we got the worse new. We had a miscarriage and we were very devastated especially because we had just announce it

I passed blood test to see that the hormone went down and ultrasound to make sure that three were no complications during the evacuation of the fœtus. While the doc did the ultrasound they notice a line. The thought I had a bicornuate uterus ( uterus split in 2). That news scared me and thought I was the problem for the miscarriage. The doctor told us to not try to get pregnant till they knew what was going on. But after losing the baby I was really not in the mood to try

My period was not coming back and I was feeling sick most of the day and was very tired. After other test like a saline sonohysterigraphy and blood test, they discovered a cysts on one of my ovary the size of a golf ball. I had other previously and even one that ruptured ( very painful). So in the end I deduce it was the cause.

But in mid December I had my office x-mas party and felt really sick all evening. The next day I decided to try a pregnancy test since AF hadn’t arrived yet (2month) but I knew it would be negative because we only had sex once and we made sure not to get pregnant. Well it was a shock when I see a positive result. But I still put that aside think it was a false positive. Well a week later on December 21th I was seeing my OBG for the test results and a follow up and she found it very weird I did not get my period. She did and ultrasound and told me I was 2 month pregnant. I cried all the tears in my body it was the best x-mas gift god could give us. My LO is now 16 month and very healthy

Now my SO started in August to try for baby #2. AF came in September and October but did not show on the 8th of November. And i am very very regular like on the same date every month type of regular. I was so excited I tested and tested for a whole week but still negative. I even went and see the doc to have a blood test 1 week past period and it was also negative. Doc has asked me to do a full blood test to see what wrong since I still have not seen AF yet and have all the sing of pregnancy ( sick, tired, swollen boob and sharp pain). I am still waiting for the results and getting annoyed not knowing what’s up.

As you can see the way I find out I got pregnant was not an easy story. And i wonder is this will be a similar story. I just need support and see if anyone has ever lived something like this. Thank everyone