The fastest labor ever!


I thought my turn would never come but it did and it will ladies that are still waiting. On November the 9 I went to the doctor around 11am for my 40 week check up and to get a membrane sweep. At that time I was a 100% and 3 to 4 cm. My midwife did the sweep she said she could feel the bag and that the only thing we are waiting on are contractions; that made me happy but still was convinced that it would happen any time soon. So I went home bounced on my birthing ball and continued my day as normal. I went to sleep around 9pm and wake up around 2am because I heard my husbands voice as he was coming to bed. We talked a little,as we were talking I felt some contractions that were mild but not enough for me to raise concern about. About 2:40am I started timing them, which they started out being 7 minutes apart. i went to the bathroom and saw light red discharge, at the time I known it was finally happening. I texted my doula and told her I think I’m in labor but at that time I didn’t want to get out of bed so no need for her to come to my house, I was handling the pain just fine at this time. Around 5:45am I got my husband up and told him we had to go now. He woke up along with my other 2 kids. We got to the hospital at 6:30am and I had him at 7:42am with no Pain meds at all. It was the fastest labor ever! My Dolua didn’t make it because it happen so fast. I had a gorgeous 7 pound 5 once baby boy name Carter🤗