Is there any hope to having a normal life ?

I am 21 and suffer from chronic utis. I have had them since I lost my virginity. Recently they have become more frequent and have been disrupting my life. And for the past few yrs it doesn’t burn to pee like when I first got utis now it burns when I don’t pee. My bladder and urethra will burn till I sit on the toilet and than I feel fine... but than I get up burning starts again. Today I sat on the toilet from 3:30 am to 7 am and yesterday was from 4 am to 9 am. I went to the doctor a few weeks ago for another uti and she said I might have overactive bladder. And I have been tested for stds and stis i also do everything and anything I can to try and prevent them as well. I don’t even take baths at all I wipe properly peeing after sex and everything my only flaw is caffeine which I am going to cut out for a whole month because I can’t live like this but how is it I can drink 8 cups of water and 1 soda have no sex wipe properly and get a uti 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s not fair. Has anyone delt with this and found a cure/ relief ? This is my 7 uti this year and my doctor is about to send me to a urologist and I have been doing research but it just sounds like I am going to have to deal with this for the rest of my life.