What do you say when ppl ask when you will start your family?


What do you say when people ask if you are planning to have kids soon? Hubby and I️ have been trying for a year and only a few people know that. Lately I’ve had more and more ppl asking when we are going to start our family and I don’t really know what to say anymore: “we’ve been trying/hoping for that for a while now” is answered with anything from “prayer works best.... all in God’s timing... if it’s meant to be it will....”. Saying “we’d be excited if it happens now but no rush” or “someday we will” is always answered with something about “need to make it happen before time runs out” yet we’re only 23.

I️ just don’t know the best thing to say that will prevent them from asking or saying anymore. I️ realize a lot of ppl don’t know how many couples struggle with TTC but a lot of the things they say come off as insensitive since they don’t know our situation. I’d just like to know what other ppl have said or how they politely discourage further talk about it. With the holiday season and several family gatherings to attend yet I️’d just like to be better prepared so I️ don’t end each gathering upset.