Potentially Sick Baby

My baby is about 4 months now. For a few days at the beginning of the week she was coughing, but after awhile it just sounded like she was playing cause she liked the noise. I’m not sure if babies do that or not. But then after a few days her nose got runny and she was sneezing here and there. I have the humidifier on and her snuggled up but I feel like I have not had to change her diaper as much today and she hasn’t really cried for milk much. After a few hours I have just given it to her cause that’s her usual routine and she takes it fine but she has just been sitting there staring and occasionally laughing but no cries for food. Her temp was 95 this morning and then towards the afternoon it was 96. Is this normal cold type symptoms or should I be more worried? FTM trying not to over panic about every little thing. But it’s hard, her tiny baby sneezes kill me!