Stupid hormones


Backstory is that my in-laws have a little kitchen set that my son LOVES to play with when we go to their house. She has commented before about wanting to get him one for Christmas this year and I keep telling her that we don’t have room for it (our house is pretty small, only 1,100 sq ft.)

So last night she texts me asking if we are buying him a kitchen for Christmas. I said no. She asks why, he loves the kitchen? (Thanks for the guilt!) I told her we had already picked out some other toys. She asks if there’s a reason he can’t have one? I didn’t want to get into yet another discussion about how our house is too small and we have no room for it, so I said no, we just decided not to get one. So she comes back with “okay 😬 make room 😂😂” (so she HAS heard what I’ve been saying!)

I’m super hormonal at the moment (12 weeks pregnant with baby #2) and literally had a panic attack last night trying to figure out where I’m going to put this stupid kitchen. There’s no room in my son’s room, no room in our living room, the only space is in our kitchen. We have two corgis (who I love, honestly), and one of them is just the dumbest little dog. She has literally stolen my son’s toys before and hidden them, only to chew them up in the middle of the night and puke all over our bedroom carpet at 3am. I can’t deal with having to police his kitchen food from the dog while caring for a two year old and a newborn. I lay in bed until after midnight last night panicking trying to figure this out until I finally rolled over and told my husband he needs to tell his mom she’s not allowed to buy a kitchen. 😂

Gotta love the pregnancy hormones. 🙄