Just need a little help...

Brittany • Mommy of two wonderful boys, they are my world. <3 :) PCOS fighter!💪

Hey ladies! I just need a little bit of advice. So my period came on the 15th this month, it was 5 days early. Im normally on time or 1-2 days late but never early. The first 2 days were heavy but the next 3 days were light and brown in color. Nothing like Im used to. This morning I woke up, was still extremely tired. I had some food in the crock pot cooking over night and the minute I opened it to check it I got sick at my stomach and thought I was gonna vomit every where. My bf smells it, says it smelled great to him and asked if I could be pregnant. So I go on to work, I was okay until I ate lunch, and I was sick all over again. I'm suppose to start ovulating today and I have had a few sinus issues going in but this has floored me because I just don't know what it is. Early pregnancy symptoms? Stomach bug? I'm confused. lol I've also had light cramps for about a week but nothing major. Any one else experience this before?