Not enough milk??

Khadija • I like to think I`m cool. Happy and Silly mama of 2!!. Engaged to a strikingly persistent man.

This is kind of a 2 pt question.

My son was born 5 lbs and healthy and I’ve been exclusively breastfeeding him. I’ve been trying to get a breast pump so that my family can help with the baby because he’s constantly eating. My cousin finally brought over her single hand held electric breast pump and I’ve only been able to get 1 ounce in about an hour. And that’s back and forth between boobs. Of course this also while trying to feed my lo because he just wants to eat. My family wants me to supplement formula because I don’t get any sleep my lo feeds CONSTANTLY 😩😔

But I just hate feeling like I’m not enough.

So I’m just wondering if I’m not producing enough?

And if I should supplement or give it more time?

He’s 2 months now and still tiny. He’s probably about 7 lbs now at a month and a half he was 6 lbs 14 oz.

Please help!

UPDATE 11/26:

Yesterday my family had an intervention and insisted I try Similac for supplementing moms and I caved. I’m still trying so so hard to breast feed. After I fed him yesterday he drank 2 oz of formula. It got me thinking that He definitely wasn’t getting enough. He still prefers the breast but I’ve noticed a drastic change in his eating habits and even his disposition. He’s not cranky anymore and he’s not cluster feeding.

It got me thinking and believe this issue might have stemmed from when I was hospitalized a week after he was born I had postpartum preeclampsia and because I almost seized I didn’t have enough time to pump so they gave him formula. It was only for.2 days but I think that might have affected his stomach/eating/dietary needs.

I don’t know, has anyone else experienced something like that before??